The race is not given to the swift, but to them who endure to the end. Take your growth one day at a time and God is sure to meet you there! Let's grow together!

Saturday, April 23, 2011


When I read the first line of the paragraph below (you might want to read the first line to follow me lol)....I found myself saying YES without hesitation! Can I tell you how MAJOR that is for me? 20 days ago I was taking a step of faith on fasting even though I never really saw the point. Now I'm to a place where I honestly don't want to leave this place. Now don't get me wrong, I SHALL be partaking of the feast prepared on tomorrow LOL! But I mean this place of surrender where my heart and mind is. I can't say that I have eradicated every issue I set out to get rid of during this fast. And to be honest, I think God kind of hit me up side the head for that being my goal anyway. (Sidebar: I've realized through this fast that God communicates to me through violence LOL). My initial goals fit into my plan....but not His. During this consecration, I have come to realize that some things will always be a struggle for me. But 1 Corinthians 10:13 says: 
" But remember that the temptations that come into your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will keep the temptation from becoming so strong that you can't stand up against it. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you will not give in to it." 
Through this fast I have found an eternal way of escape. That escape is through my heart! I've learned that though I may struggle my heart and mind can be so TOWARD God and HIS will that even my failures can feel like successes. I've learned that there is a power in denying my instincts and talking to God before moving. I've learned how to be in REAL relationship with Him and that is what makes me want to keep going. Some parts of the food fast I am going to maintain for health purposes. But what I am really going to continue more than anything is the daily heart check and purposeful surrender to God. I've come to realize that this faith walk is not something that can just be on autopilot. That's how we screw up. We think we've reached a certain place and then we hop off the wheel and take a break. Before you know it, you're crashing and have to start all over again. Last night my mom signed to a song called "It Ain't Over". The chorus of  the song says: 
"It ain't over, until God says it's over. It ain't over, until God says it's done. It ain't over, until God says it's over. Keep fighting until the victory is WON"
I think every other time I've heard this song, it has been from a place of hardship and I just cried through it struggling to believe that God was going to bring me out of whatever I was in. Well last night, I heard that song differently. I heard it as a war cry. Like, stop trying to get out of the fight. Stop trying to give up and be done every time something gets rough. You are on the battlefield so KEEP FIGHTING!!! God doesn't have time for us to waiver anymore. Don't expect for the battle of this faith walk to end at some point, because guess what it WON'T! As a matter of fact, I can tell you when it's going to end....when Jesus returns! So shine your armor and get in the fight for GOOD!! That's what I've gotten from this fast. I've gotten the charge to be a real warrior. It's going to be hard some days and I'm GOING to fall, but I'm not sitting any fights out. I'm going toe to toe with the enemy (the enemy being the devil AND MY MIND)!!!! I pray that you have been charged the same way and if not ask God to charge you TODAY! Love yall for REAL!
Zachariah 7
Are you considering extending your fast, or may beginning new habits of regular fasting?  If drawing closer to God is your goal every day, both times of fasting and feasting can be holy to the Lord.  Take time to allow God to speak to you about your fasting experience and ask Him to help you reflect on the ways your fast has softened your heart and influenced you to treat others differently.

Friday, April 22, 2011

DAY 19 of 21 "Reflect and Rejoice"

I thought it would be good to let this message and Psalm speak for itself today. Take a look at the paragraph below and the scripture! Make today personal!
Psalm 84
As you near the end of your fast, think of the marvelous joy of spending this one day in His courts.  Praise Him for the ways you are growing and seeking Him more.  No matter where you are, read this psalm out loud today as your prayer to God.  Personalize it, sing it loudly or just whisper your praises to His might name!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

DAY 18 of 21 "The LIGHT at the END"

Last night on our prayer call, quite a few of us requested prayer to keep going! Whether you needed prayer to keep making good decisions, to keep eating the right things, to keep focus or to just keep your heart toward God....we've all got that KEEP thing going on. Sometimes the "keeping" can be daunting. It just feels like we're always pressing, you know? But today as I read this scripture I feel like I got a glimpse of the light at the end of the tunnel for us. In other words, what God has for us as we keep moving forward.... 

Joel 2:28 "Then after I have poured out my rains again, I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your old men will dream dreams. Your young men will see visions."

As we continue to join forces together in this fast, I feel like we can take a look at this and begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel. When I look at this verse I don't see it as 'We're all about to become apostles' or something. I see it as an awakening!!! God is encouraging us to keep pressing because He wants to raise us up! He is pouring the rain on us now (by the way verse 23 says For the rains he sends are an expression of his grace) so that we can come out RENEWED! I don't just expect to overcome certain "sins" by the end of this fast, but having read this I expect to have FRESH drive and determination towards my destiny! For example, Krista mentioned last night that she needs prayer for direction and what passion to pursue. Well God is saying 'KEEP your focus on ME and stay in this race and I have clarity of thought waiting for you at the end'. Or even Uncle me this scripture is God saying 'If you can trust me with all that I have put on your plate and KEEP your heart open, I have the creativity to pour into you to finish the works I've started in you'. I think you guys get the point! Let's start getting excited about where we are because although there has been rain, there is a major harvest at the end that is going to carry us through this next phase of our lives. So put down your umbrellas, open your heart and LET IT RAIN!! Keep on Keepin on Family ;-)! 

Joel 2:12-32
You can finish strong by making sure that your heart is open wide to allow God’s power and presence to sweep across the landscape of your life.  Tell God today that you are bearing your heart before His mercy, compassion, and unfailing love.  Ask Him to give you the courage to join his advancing army.  Ask Him to open your eyes to dreams and visions that are in line with His will for your life.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

DAY 17 of 21 "HIS truth vs MY trial"

Ok so here is the million dollar question (well not real money cuz I ain't got none).....Is it possible that your fire is a RESULT of your faith?? Yep, your faith....not your sin....your faith. SO let me tell you want jumped out of the scripture at me today. I know the story of the 3 hebrew boys. I know it took an insane amount of boldness and trust in the Lord to be thrown into that furnace and I am STILL learning everyday how to be sold out that way for Christ. But my focus went to the onset of the decision by the king to throw them in the furnace. If you haven't read this scripture yet, basically the king put out a mandate that everyone was to bow to this statue of his. If anyone refused the consequence, of course, was that they would be thrown into the furnace. The hebrew boys stood for their God and decided NOT to bow down to something that didn't represent their Lord. So it got me to thinking....what things in my life have I chosen NOT to surrender to that wants my heart? What things have I stood against, even if just within the past few days, that the enemy had set up to trip me? Could it be that my refusal to bow down to the mindsets, struggles, ideals, etc. that once threatened to bring about my demise has brought about my current "fiery furnace" like state? The answer is YES! I swear I could hear God so clearly telling me that the fire is only as intense as my current fight! We are only in such heavy battles because we have the heavy artillery (faith) to withstand it. It's YOUR faith that got you here! So stop complaining and trying to figure out the "why me's" of your situation and ask God to show you the hidden strength within you that got you to this fiery furnace in the first place!! God can't lie. When He said He wouldn't put more on us than we could bear, he meant it! You know how He knows what we can bear, besides the fact that he's all knowing? It's because we SHOW him! You have probably been flexing your little spiritual muscles before God and didn't even know it. So don't get upset now  that he's upping the weight. He just doesn't want us to get comfortable. So today, I want to say thank you JESUS for challenging me and pushing me to walk into what I already am!! I suggest you do the same!
Daniel 3
This is one of the most powerful stories in the Bible.  These boys were facing a real situation with real consequences.  They were in a position where truth opposed facts.  What facts are you facing that defy God’s truth?  Take the facts to God in prayer and believe with boldness that your God will not only be with you in the fire, but is well able to deliver.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

DAY 16 of 21 "A LOVE Relationship"

Today's scripture and devotional challenge has got me thinking of my love relationship with God. I know we all say we love Him, which I'm sure we do, but how do we show Him? I think a lot of times as Christians we tend to think that our "sinLESSness" is a way we show love to God, when the fact of the matter is that you can cut out every physical "sin" in your life and still not have a heart TOWARD God! Think about it this way. If you have a friend, boyfriend, or girlfriend and they always tell you they care about you but they never want to be around you unless they want would you feel? I'd like to think of God as a real  person....just to make it more personal. Like, have you ever asked God what His love language is? Have you ever thought 'Can God FEEL my love or does He just hear it'? Yeah, I know God is not human and doesn't feel what we feel...blah blah blah....but you know what? He IS our father and I'll bet you money that a dad who took time out of His universal schedule to meticulously construct your life probably would like to have a love based relationship with you. I know personally that I've got some work to do on this. I know my heart is for God, but honestly I don't know if He always feels it. Other PEOPLE might see it, but I know I don't spend enough time with Him to make Him feel special. And see, that's what we do as humans. We cushion our lack of intimacy with God by saying 'yeah I know I'm not doing what I should do' OR 'I know I need to be spending more time with God'....and we leave it right there. In our minds, the remorse is enough to make us feel like we're doing something. Well you know what, It's NOT! I'm talking to myself here so if you get side swiped along the way, my apologies lol. No but seriously, I want God to feel as loved by me as I do by Him and I'm DETERMINED to make that a reality. I'm determined to make our relationship find new ways to reach His heart. I really want to build a relationship based on LOVE rather than sin and obligation. Will you join me?

Psalm 27
The title of today’s reading is A Psalm of Fearless Trust in God.  It talks about seeking one thing.  During this time of seeking, its easy to focus on seeking things from God instead of just seeking God…to seek His hand and not His face.  Think of the difference between approaching a king to kiss his hand and approaching a loving father to kiss his face.  God is both King and Father.  He is capable of meeting your needs and answering your prayers.  But He also loves you more deeply than you can ever know.  When you seek His face, you end up in a much closer posture with Him.  Pray today that you will get closer to Him than you ever have before.

Monday, April 18, 2011


Have you ever watched a race? I'm sure you a sprint race. I have no idea what the official names of the races are though lol but yall know what I'm talking about. I LOVE watching those races because you never know who is going to win. Sure someone could seem like they are the forerunner but maybe they're not pacing themselves correctly and they lose breath. Maybe their legs will get tired at a certain point. You never know right up until the end who is going to win. Just at the last second the person who has been trailing in 3rd place could get a second wind and break the finish line a half of a second before everyone else!! It's so exhilarating to watch! Well that's kind of what today is about. We are in the last week of this fast and it is SO important that we not just endure to the end but that we make the most out of this home stretch! I know that we have all been enlightened thus far, and that's great, but there is still more God has for us. Psalm 51:17 says "The sacrifice you (God) want is a broken spirit. A broken and repentant heart, O God, you will not despise." I want to challenge everyone to challenge YOURSELVES to break down before God this week. Treat this week as if it's your last week in communication with God. As if it's your last chance at LIFE!!! This week is like the last few seconds of the olympic race. Don't be this far ahead and then lose guys! Remember the sacrifice God wants is our hearts. So let's be sure we are giving him ALL of that in this last week. Love you all!
Psalm 51
Wow!  You are starting the third and final week of your fast.  If you’re fasting with a group, take time to get together and celebrate what God has begun.  Be sure to write down your experiences.  Even though you may feel like you’re in a groove now, for many this final week will be harder than the others.  Ask God to search you and begin to shine a light on all the dark corners of your heart.  Ask Him to use this last week to refine you and cleanse your heart from stubborn and hidden faults.


So this weekend was quite a jam packed one. It was filled with back to back obligation that kept me on the run. That's sort of the story of my life. I'm always doing something. This weekend I actually realized the blessing in my running around. I realized that nothing I do is purposeless. God has blessed me to have many passions and I am constantly pursuing them 24 hours a day! That was so great for me acknowledge because sometimes I start to get overwhelmed. But coming to that realization confirmed that God BUILT me for this. I'm so blessed to be able to move forward freely in what HE has placed in my heart! Doesn't get much better than that! What's your blessing(s)?

Matthew 5:1-14
Make it a point today to count your blessings.  Keep a journal with you all day to write down the blessings that God brings to your mind.  Pray and thank Him for those blessings, even the ones that come as a result of enduring a hardship or trial.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

DAY 13 of 21 "ReBUILDING"


Hey fam!! Sorry I didn't get to really post yesterday. My day was a wee bit crazy but I hope you all still had a chance to read the scripture and message for yesterday. If not, I would encourage you to go back and check it out because as always it slapped me in the face. God might have a slap in store for you too lol.


So today's scripture is REALLY powerful! Well every day has been great honestly. Shout out to mom for finding this 21 day devotional for us ;-)! Anywho, today when I read this passage and the message, I thought about making Christ our cornerstone and really started to apply it to my life. We are all familiar which church lingo, so we've heard that Christ was our chief cornerstone over and over again. But what does that MEAN for me?? Well the way I thought about it today, which hit home, was like cement. So you know when they are making sidewalks and the cement is liquid? If you stick your foot or something in it for a little bit and take it out, you will make a print that will remain when it dries. But what if you dug your foot deep into the cement and stayed there until it dried??? Guess what, you'd be STUCK!! Now this scenario would suck if you were really on the street somewhere stuck in cement lol. But if you think about Christ being that cement, it's an AMAZING reality!! It's not enough for us to make footprints with God. In other words, we can't keep "testing" the foundation and pulling ourselves out just because things aren't happening when we want! Cement takes a while to dry so if someone were trying to achieve making this their foundation in real life they would need some SERIOUS patience! They might have to see people pass them, miss out on making some friends, and sacrifice their will to go where they want. But mannnn once they are PLANTED?? won't matter! ALL of their actions will now be based on that foundation and they won't be able to be moved! I'm challenging each of you to stick your feet deep into the cement (God as your foundation). Be prepared for the uncomfortable feeling at first. It's going to make you want to jump out like you've always done.  It's going to get even worse as you feel yourself getting stuck because you KNOW you are releasing your will forever....BUT DON'T STOP!! It's time for real action, real growth, and real movement! So for all the stuff we are trying to lay down for the sake of being built up, I leave this piece of 1 Peter 2:1:

"Don't just pretend to be good! Be done with....<INSERT YOUR ISSUES HERE>"(NLT). 
1 Peter 2
You are chosen, holy, and set apart, a royal priest…you are a child of God.  You may be in need of an anchor right now.  Set Christ as your cornerstone today.  Write down the ways He has brought your from darkness into light.  Spend time in prayer today thanking God for beginning a work in you with His Son set as the foundation for Him to build upon.

Friday, April 15, 2011

DAY 12 of 21

2 Corinthians 1
Food is a source of comfort for many.  How much of your thoughts have been focused on or overtaken with craving of certain foods, or missing the things you’re fasting from?  If it often?  If it were alcohol or a harmful drug, would you consider yourself addicted if you were this consumed with your desire for them?   This fast may begin an awareness of a harmful place food or certain behaviors may have in your life.  If can reveal an addition.  Pray that our God, who is full of compassion,  and all comfort will become your primary source of comfort.  Ask Him to use this experience with suffering to remove anything in your life that has taken place of the Holy Spirit’s place as your comforter.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

DAY 11 of 21 "BE About IT"

You know it's funny that today's scripture is really challenging us to be real DOERS and not just bystanders in our faith. Based on our family call last night, which was great by the way, it seems like we are all kind of at that place. That place where we need God to pour out a little extra strength on us because we are ready to pick up our feet and actually MOVE forward! I think this first week and some change was a chance for us to really dig to see what the roots of some our issues were. Sacrifice kinda drives you to that place. Have you ever noticed that? Like as soon as you stop allowing your flesh to resort to its natural instincts you just start seeing ALL your foolishness come out. Shoot, you might even drink lemonade and iced tea (Shout out to Uncle Bernard LOL)! Naw, but seriously you never really know how dependent your body and spirit are on certain things until they are off limits. But we have been pushing  through that aspect of the fast and NOW that we are all exposed and what not, it's time for ACTION! My action today was actually PRAYING! I know that sounds weird, but I'm always on the go. I do talk to God, but we often have a very "in passing" relationship if you know what I mean. I don't really stop to say "Yo wasup G" (that's what I call God sometimes lol....don't laugh). So today I paused and checked in. It wasn't too long or drawn out but it was his time. I felt great about that and I plan to keep taking steps every day. What's YOUR ACTION today??

James 1
This chapter has many convicting challenges – one being for you to match your faith with action.  Don’t just read, hear and/or think about God’s Word – do what it says.  You are now beginning the second half of your fast.  Reflect on whether your fast would be characterized by listening or doing.  During this second half of the fast, ask God for wisdom about where He wants to lead you.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

DAY 10 of 21 "A NEW way to fight"

You know, one thing that I keep saying over and over again about this fast is that the progress is REAL. I'm sure we are all striving our hardest to stick with it. I'm not just talking about sticking to the natural restrictions, but even maintaining consistency in the spiritual aspect. It's difficult being forced to look at yourself in the mirror everyday and accept that YOU are the main obstacle in front of you! As a matter of fact it is during those spiritually fragile times when the enemy comes in to whisper a few things in your ear. That's when he tries to plant little seeds to lead you away from your progress. Even if he can just get you to bear to the left or right juuuuust a little....he gets you off the path. So as I was reading today's passage when Jesus was being tempted by Satan in his wilderness, I realized something key about the way Jesus fought back at the enemy. If you haven't read the passage already, check it out and see how disgustingly deceitful the enemy was in trying to tempt Jesus to lose focus. Anyway, as I was reading I saw that Jesus constantly replied to whatever the enemy tempted him with by saying "The Scriptures Say...". I don't know about anybody else but I was able to see the humanity in that. Jesus knew that HIS words weren't enough. As a matter of fact, if all he based his responses on was how he FELT in the midst of his 40 day wilderness he probably would have responded differently. But instead he fought with the WORD OF GOD. It made me think 'WOW, the word is really important'. Don't judge me....I'm not saying the word was never important to me until now lol. I'm saying that the WORD is our only real offensive weapon. It's funny because when we are in our hardest places we sometimes shy away from it....ESPECIALLY if we feel like we're in sin or something. But the reality is that the Word is the only true way to get the enemy to shut up! 

Through this fast, I'm learning to lean on it more and more. I'm learning that the reason it's not enough to just whisk by a scripture everyday and not really internalize it is not  because it makes me a bad Christian. It's because I'm weakening my defense AND offense against the enemy. None of us REALLY know the stuff the enemy whispers to each of us when we're all alone. That's the stuff we don't share. But WE know how beligerent he has been our ENTIRE lives! Aren't you tired of it? I AM! So I'm thankful for today's scripture because it's showing me how to fight in a different way and I plan on using it.

Luke 4
Forty days of nothing?  Not hardly.  Even though Jesus fasted for forty days, He clearly came out stronger than ever based on the events following it.  How is your fast strengthening you?  Do you feel  like you’re struggling and/or stumbling?  Maybe in the natural you are not yet seeing the outcomes you expected.  Remember the race is not given to the strongest or the fastest…but to the one who endures to the end.  Ask God to help you to persevere with a heart filled with faith and expectancy.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

DAY 9 of 21 "LOVE over LAW"

Today's passage of scripture is one of my favorites because it challenges us to change our perspective of God's "law". The scripture talks about us being free from the letter of the law so that we can obey the spirit of the law. What does that mean? It's kinda like this fast. We talked a few days ago about how it's not as much about the food sacrifice as it is the spiritual. You can eat mustard seeds and water for 21 days, but experience NO spiritual growth. HOW?? focusing on the guidelines rather than the purpose OF the guidelines. I'm still learning the importance of the message in this and I'm encouraging each of you to do the same. Stop validating yourself by what you DO or DON"T DO, but judge yourself by the condition of your HEART! I couldn't tell you what the struggle was that Paul was referencing when he said 15 I don't understand myself at all, for I really want to do what is right, but I don't do it. Instead, I do the very thing I hate but what I DO know is that Paul was a man of God despite his struggle and that God's grace covered every mistake he could ever make. So I'm going to keep this in mind. As I move forward, I'm going to work hard to remember the importance of God having my heart! I'm going to remember that I'll probably always struggle with SOMETHING because that's just our 'Don't tell me what to do/You ain't the boss of me" human nature when it comes to following God's law. But most of all I'm going to remember that when it comes to how God wants me to commit to Him, He will ALWAYS want my LOVE over LAW! <--- By the way, more than likely if you just focus on loving God, the law thing will fall into place too ;-).
Romans 7
This is a great time to explore how you can present your body as a living sacrifice to God.  This passage starts with that challenge and offers many ways to express it.  In what ways has your fast been helping you experience true worship in new ways?  Write them down in your journal.  Pray today and ask God to continue to reveal His will for you during this time of sacrifice and worship.

Monday, April 11, 2011

DAY 8 of 21 "The STRENGTH of JOY"

So you know the passage of scripture where I think Paul says he finds joy in his tribulation? I'm sure biblemom knows the reference for it lol. Anyway, I never thought I would feel that way. I always read that scripture and thought "He TRIPPIN" LOL. I'm just being real. I did not understand this "joy" until recently. Besides the fact that we've made it through our first fast WEEK as a family, I have joy because I can feel REAL growth. No I'm not ready to be the first Archbishop of the African Church of Christ Who Died and Rose Again, Inc. (whatever that means lol)....but I'm being the real me....making real day at a time. No it doesn't feel great, but the knowledge that I'm working towards something does. Today's passage in Psalm 100 gives us every reason to have JOY! Now, I'm not talking about happiness. I heard someone say that "happiness is based on happenings". In other words it can fade in and out of your life based on situations. But JOY?? That's a consistent state of mind based on unchanging variables. Read Psalm 100 to see what those unchanging things are that we can have joy in and let that filter into every area of your life. Even the areas that look the most grim are no match for who God is and will ALWAYS be! So with that being said....SMILE!!! ;-))))
Psalm 100
You are entering week two of your fast!  This psalm talks about entering into God’s presence with thankfulness, gladness, joy, and praise in your heart.  If you’ve become focused on the physical hardships you’re facing or the burdens you’re bringing to God in prayer, then spend today just being joyful in the Lord.  Write down some things that bring you joy today.  Sing a song of praise to Him.  Pray that God will stir an urgency to press in and see what God has for you beyond His gates.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


So today, I think the little blurb below that expounds on the fast hit me even more than the scripture itself. Well I'll say it made the scripture REALLY hit home! **Feel free to jump to the bottom and read the paragraph before continuing lol** In any case, this was the word for me. I'm not sure if you all remember the initial text message I sent out about this fast, but I made a very transparent statement at that time. I said that "I feel stuck in a place between who I've always been and who I'm SUPPOSED to be in God". I really did, and still do, feel that way. But today I was able to get some clarity on that place. I know some of you probably identified with my statement when I sent it, so this may help you too. At church today, my Pastor spoke about the convenient places in our lives. Those places that are the go to spots when things don't work out the way we'd like. They are the places we use as our backup plans when our faith isn't strong enough to believe that God's PLAN A will succeed. It's the place some of us have LIVED for so long, but were only meant to VISIT. I don't mean to make it sound too ambiguous, but it's something different for each of us. For me, my convenience has been FEAR! I've been afraid my whole life of everything. At first, in the beginning stages of life, it was something that I thought would fade away and then it turned into a lifestyle. It became my retreat and often first instinct. I would pray half prayers....putting on the ACT like I was getting something through when really on the inside I had already set up a PLAN B for when God didn't respond since I didn't feel like I was worthy of a response anyway. I would vacillate consistently in making decisions (hence that DARN indecisiveness of mine mom lol). I didn't vacillate because I was weighing options though. I went back and forth because I was AFRAID of taking a step in any particular direction. Fear has been such a large part of my life that it became a part of who I am. So today I realized that this "in between" place that I'm in is really God working at my core. God can't...well He WON'T throw me into a new place that requires more of me and not strip me of the old weights. Man, Fear is just the beginning for me. I know that there are even more things deeper beneath the surface, which I will find as I continue digging through this process. There is a real demolition that is about to take place and as I am broken more and more, I will also pour out the crap in me that's been holding me back. I'm talking my "Logic", my "Will", my "Inhibitions", my "Doubts"....all of that stuff. I'm letting it go piece by piece for HIS sake, so that I can create the space for the building of a new me. I don't know if any of you are in the same boat....but that's my heart today. 

Mark 14:1-26
Broken and poured out.  You see those words in both the story of the woman and the last supper.  Since bread and wine are likely not options for you to remember Jesus during these 21 days, do what the woman did.  Do what Jesus did.  Live your life broken and poured out in remembrance of what He has done for you.  How can your life be a living memorial to Christ?  Talk to God about things in your life that need to be broken and poured out like that vase of perfume.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

DAY 6 of 21 "Gaining Perspective"

I feel like this fast has been a gang up on Alex session. Well I only feel ganged up on by God lol. Everyday there's something new to do. Something new to fix.....But WAIT, that's the WRONG perspective! My first couple of sentences, while true feelings at times, are examples of how our natural view can be screwed up sometimes. It's amazing how easily we allow the spotlight to be on us in this spiritual walk! There's one portion of today's passage that summed it all up for me...
Isaiah 58: 3 'We have fasted before you!' they say. 'Why aren't you impressed? We have done much penance, and you don't even notice it!'"I will tell you why! It's because you are living for yourselves even while you are fasting...."

As God works on me, I have to restructure my perspective to understand that all of this isn't just to benefit me. Yes I benefit from the character building of fasting and may even reap the blessings that are a result of my spiritual surrender, but the end goal is to be so filled with and driven by God's love that I will continue to lay my life down for the LIVES OF OTHERS!!! Whew!! I know this is something that we often discuss as Christians, but I guess it's really registering today. This whole Christian journey is a very well crafted business model by God where the success of each individual depends on a continual cycle of selflessness. I'll take this home....I'm not just using you all as a support for ME through this fast but I am fasting FOR YOU! I challenge everyone to start changing your perspective today, if you haven't already. In addition to your goals for yourself, make someONE else your goal! Let's grow in selflessness together :-)!
Isaiah 58
This is a message from God to His people who were frustrated with His lack of response to their fasting. Its easy to confuse fasting with a hunger strike to get God to do what you want.  But this chapter says what He wants.  Pray that God will use your experience with hunger and discomfort to permenantly alter how you see those in the world who are lost and needy.  Pray that God will empty you of all that is you and fill you with all that is Him.

Friday, April 8, 2011


Today's message from the scripture is challenging because it really makes you dig deep about your motives. For me, it made me not only check my motives for fasting but for everything I do for God. I was thinking this morning about what Krista posted yesterday how some Christians want to share the love of Christ for numbers. That is CLEARLY NOT the motive that honors God or wins souls. But I can't judge because my heart isn't always right. As a matter of fact I KNOW there have been times, as in probably a week or two ago lol, when I would do something spiritual and really the motive was selfish. I wasn't reading my word to reach others....I was doing it because I figured that was what I needed to do in order to prove to God that I was ready for the next blessing so He would hurry up and bring it already. UGH, that's pretty tough to admit....but it's real! Now I'm not saying my whole spiritual life has been this way, but from time to time you've just got to do a heart check! My mommy dearest said something to me the other day that God had revealed to her and I can't remember it verbatim (hopefully she'll comment later and correct me lol) but basically it was about how your spiritual state is a reflection of where your heart is right now in life. I say all this to say, take some time out today and do a HEART CHECK! I'm sure that if we check our spiritual motives all other motives will probably fall into their proper place. So check away and let us know what you find ;-)!

While you're checking, this might be a good song to listen to....

"Give Me A Clean Heart" by Fred Hammond

Matthew 6:5-16
Isn’t fasting supposed to be a secret?  You may have started this journey with a group that is fasting along with you.  Many fasts in the Bible were corporate fasts called by authority figures for a whole group to participate in together.  Reflect on the heart of what Jesus is saying in this passage.  What has been the motive behind any conversations you’ve had about fasting?  Is it to encourage others or receive support?  Is there some secret wish to be seen as holy or spiritual?  Only two know the answer to those questions – you and God.  Pray today asking God to uncover your motives for fasting and ask for ways you can seek the encouragement you need without clouding your heart with pride.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Check out this song!


DAY 4 of 21 "The FIGHT"

Do you ever feel torn? Do you ever want more from God, but know you need to give more at the same time? Do you have those times when you just KNOW beyond the shadow of doubt that you love God and no one can tell you otherwise? Then, do you have those moments when you wonder if you're even a Christian at all? How about those times when you wish living for God didn't have to be so hard? And then finally those times when you realize that all the fulfillment you could possibly need in life can ONLY come from your relationship with God?

The answer to these questions, and more, are what I envision going through the mind of the writer of Psalm 119! I would encourage everyone to read today's passage as if it is a monologue (in the New Living Translation is you can). Pay attention to the changes in the "character". Notice his heart and passion for God and at the same time his seemingly off and on fight to follow God's law. Pay attention to his pleading to God to KEEP him in the midst of certain things. 

I felt so connected to this passage today because it felt so real. Like I seriously could see myself saying some of this stuff to God on a day to day basis. Some days I'm ready for war and other days, it's a real struggle. Not even talking about the fasting part....but actually fighting to maintain a closeness with God can be tough. There are so many other things in life that come to try and fill that space between God and I and sometimes it can be overwhelming. What I realized through this scripture though is that the WORD and my desire to live by it can and WILL SUSTAIN me. Even during the times when I don't feel like I can pray or don't feel like I'm hearing God, the Word is there to confirm that He is indeed paying attention to my life. This is major for me because I really struggle with reading the bible. I don't know why, I just do and always have. But what I do NOT struggle with is knowing my heart is for God. I KNOW that I want and need him. So just like dude in the passage, I'm going to fight because the reality is that God knows my shortcomings and He's not appalled or surprised. This dude in the scripture didn't come off as perfect to me. The only thing he was sure of was his heart for God and his desire to do things the right way, whether he was always successful or not. That's where I'm striving to be! I may have some very different days during my walk with God, which may impact my feelings. But what I WON'T do anymore is depend on anything else but God to sustain me through whatever each day brings. Even when I don't "FEEL" the passion for Him, I'm going to ask Him to restore it because this faith thing really isn't all about's about KNOWLEDGE and I KNOW who I'm living for!!! How bout you??

Psalm 119
This longest psalm in the Bible is primarily about a passion for God’s Word.  These 21 days you’ve set apart will be much richer by combining Bible reading with your fasting and prayer.  How would you describe your passion for God’s Word at this moment?  Pray today that God will increase that fire in your heart during this time.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

DAY 3 of 21 "It PAYS to STAND OUT"

So the big word for the day is "INTEGRITY"!!! Man that can be a tough pill to swallow, for me specifically. It's so easy to let yourself slide with stuff. I'm going to be honest...I had a run in with it this morning. So I came to Panera bread to do some work on my laptop and decided to get a breakfast sandwich while here. Well OF COURSE they ONLY have red meat....Losers!!! Anyway, I could have just gotten a plain bagel or something, but I legitimized in my head that I had no other choice (which really meant that I was too lazy to find another alternative). So I ordered a sandwich with the meat and guess was HORRIBLE! I'm not being deep trying to say my spirit rejected the taste or something it was really bad! Then I read todays passage in Daniel 1 and it all made sense. Daniel made the decision to stick with his commitment to fruits and vegetables while he was being offered fine food and wine and ended up looking better than the men who ate that stuff! What's the point? INTEGRITY PAYS OFF! Daniel didn't have an accountability partner. He didn't have someone in his ear telling him to stick to his commitment. He just possessed integrity and was motivated to maintain that at any cost. My situation this morning was not just about the sandwich but about what's really going on inside. What I learned from today is that I can't just commit and hope my way through this....I have to be MOTIVATED to maintain that commitment at any cost. SO yet another reality check for your girl. Can anybody relate??

Daniel 1
Nothing but vegetables and water?  And not just for three weeks, but more likely for the duration of their training I Babylon!  This response from these four young  men didn’t come from a fear of getting caught.  It came from a devotion to God’s commands already formed in them before being taken from their homeland.  During this fast, you will have many opportunities to deviate from your commitment…especially if you are separated from others or if no one will find out.  Pray that God will give you the integrity and courage to stick to the standards you have set and honor Him no matter what.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

DAY 2 of 21 "Stay FOCUSED"

So it's day 2 and it has ALREADY been something of a struggle. Some of the things I wanted to do during the course of this fast, I have already fallen short on (i.e. Praying at certain times, Working out, Avoiding TV, etc). What I would USUALLY do when that happens is start to back away slowly but surely from the fast until I'm no longer sticking to any of the guidelines and ultimately lose out on any spiritual significance. This time I know I can't go out that way. When I read today's scripture, the thing that stuck out to me more than anything was the heightened sense of spiritual vision that Daniel was able to achieve through his 3 week fast. Yes, he did sacrifice and YES we need to sacrifice as well but that isn't the focus. The sacrifices are intended to keep us focused on what really matters and that is our END GOAL! I don't know about you all, but at  the end of this I want to REALLY be in a better mental and spiritual place. I want to feel more connected to God and more connected to who I am in HIM! So I'm going to focus on THAT so that I can experience real growth. You know, perhaps if I/we stop looking at the sacrifices during this as guidelines and see them as the HINDRANCES they are, things might flow a bit easier. What do you think?
 see them as HINDRANCES, it mightbe a little easier to shake them off. What do you think?

Daniel 10 (whole chapter)
This passage is the source for the idea of a 21 day fast.  As you set apart three weeks to seek God, know that God has already heard your prayer.  He is already at work on your behalf.  What specific clarity of vision for your life are you seeking from God during this time?  Write down your prayer so you can reflect on it at the end of the 21 days.  Spend time praying for God to speak to you and give you strength.

Monday, April 4, 2011

DAY 1 of 21 "Let's Get it STARTED"

It's the first day and I would already like to say CONGRATS to everyone for taking this first step. Even if your day didn't start the way you wanted it to. Even if you aren't sure if you can make it all  the way STARTED and God is going to help us finish. Below is the DAY 1 focus from the fast outline document! Please read and apply to your lives! Also feel free to share your experiences (whether good or bad) here so that we can all grow together!

1 Chronicles 21:18-27
During this fast build an altar by faith and lay a sacrifice on it that honors God.  It will cost your convenience, your comfort, and it will also take some serious will power and commitment.  What will your sacrifice be during this fast?  Make sure it’s a sacrifice that will cost you something.  Make your commitment in writing and share it with someone who will hold you accountable to your commitment.  Pray for God to show you what He wants you to sacrifice.