You know it's funny that today's scripture is really challenging us to be real DOERS and not just bystanders in our faith. Based on our family call last night, which was great by the way, it seems like we are all kind of at that place. That place where we need God to pour out a little extra strength on us because we are ready to pick up our feet and actually MOVE forward! I think this first week and some change was a chance for us to really dig to see what the roots of some our issues were. Sacrifice kinda drives you to that place. Have you ever noticed that? Like as soon as you stop allowing your flesh to resort to its natural instincts you just start seeing ALL your foolishness come out. Shoot, you might even drink lemonade and iced tea (Shout out to Uncle Bernard LOL)! Naw, but seriously you never really know how dependent your body and spirit are on certain things until they are off limits. But we have been pushing through that aspect of the fast and NOW that we are all exposed and what not, it's time for ACTION! My action today was actually PRAYING! I know that sounds weird, but I'm always on the go. I do talk to God, but we often have a very "in passing" relationship if you know what I mean. I don't really stop to say "Yo wasup G" (that's what I call God sometimes lol....don't laugh). So today I paused and checked in. It wasn't too long or drawn out but it was his time. I felt great about that and I plan to keep taking steps every day. What's YOUR ACTION today??
James 1
This chapter has many convicting challenges – one being for you to match your faith with action. Don’t just read, hear and/or think about God’s Word – do what it says. You are now beginning the second half of your fast. Reflect on whether your fast would be characterized by listening or doing. During this second half of the fast, ask God for wisdom about where He wants to lead you.
My action plan arrived at 7:30am when I received a call from a sistrr who just needed an ear. She did not need my opinion or my analyzation of her situation. She simply needed love and a listening ear. So glad dad helped me be just and nothing more. Silence is sometimes golden...