The race is not given to the swift, but to them who endure to the end. Take your growth one day at a time and God is sure to meet you there! Let's grow together!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

DAY 2 of 21 "Stay FOCUSED"

So it's day 2 and it has ALREADY been something of a struggle. Some of the things I wanted to do during the course of this fast, I have already fallen short on (i.e. Praying at certain times, Working out, Avoiding TV, etc). What I would USUALLY do when that happens is start to back away slowly but surely from the fast until I'm no longer sticking to any of the guidelines and ultimately lose out on any spiritual significance. This time I know I can't go out that way. When I read today's scripture, the thing that stuck out to me more than anything was the heightened sense of spiritual vision that Daniel was able to achieve through his 3 week fast. Yes, he did sacrifice and YES we need to sacrifice as well but that isn't the focus. The sacrifices are intended to keep us focused on what really matters and that is our END GOAL! I don't know about you all, but at  the end of this I want to REALLY be in a better mental and spiritual place. I want to feel more connected to God and more connected to who I am in HIM! So I'm going to focus on THAT so that I can experience real growth. You know, perhaps if I/we stop looking at the sacrifices during this as guidelines and see them as the HINDRANCES they are, things might flow a bit easier. What do you think?
 see them as HINDRANCES, it mightbe a little easier to shake them off. What do you think?

Daniel 10 (whole chapter)
This passage is the source for the idea of a 21 day fast.  As you set apart three weeks to seek God, know that God has already heard your prayer.  He is already at work on your behalf.  What specific clarity of vision for your life are you seeking from God during this time?  Write down your prayer so you can reflect on it at the end of the 21 days.  Spend time praying for God to speak to you and give you strength.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Alex!! Im just like that. In the past, Ive vowed to stay away from tv and fast from bad foods and spend time with God, and I never do. Yesterday was so hard for me. I fell short with food, but today I did really well. I ate well and ran around my neighborhood, and for some reason, this workout was so hardcore and awesome! It definitely gets easier, I completely agree. It can only go up from here. Stay strong, and don't give in to tv and to the food. I have yet to spend time with God, but I'm goning to start praying and reading my scripture every day, and I'll definitely be praying for everyone. I also want to be in a better mental, spiritual, and physical state when he 21 days over!! STAY STRONG EVERYBODY I LOVE YOU ALL WE CAN DO THIS!!
