The race is not given to the swift, but to them who endure to the end. Take your growth one day at a time and God is sure to meet you there! Let's grow together!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

DAY 9 of 21 "LOVE over LAW"

Today's passage of scripture is one of my favorites because it challenges us to change our perspective of God's "law". The scripture talks about us being free from the letter of the law so that we can obey the spirit of the law. What does that mean? It's kinda like this fast. We talked a few days ago about how it's not as much about the food sacrifice as it is the spiritual. You can eat mustard seeds and water for 21 days, but experience NO spiritual growth. HOW?? focusing on the guidelines rather than the purpose OF the guidelines. I'm still learning the importance of the message in this and I'm encouraging each of you to do the same. Stop validating yourself by what you DO or DON"T DO, but judge yourself by the condition of your HEART! I couldn't tell you what the struggle was that Paul was referencing when he said 15 I don't understand myself at all, for I really want to do what is right, but I don't do it. Instead, I do the very thing I hate but what I DO know is that Paul was a man of God despite his struggle and that God's grace covered every mistake he could ever make. So I'm going to keep this in mind. As I move forward, I'm going to work hard to remember the importance of God having my heart! I'm going to remember that I'll probably always struggle with SOMETHING because that's just our 'Don't tell me what to do/You ain't the boss of me" human nature when it comes to following God's law. But most of all I'm going to remember that when it comes to how God wants me to commit to Him, He will ALWAYS want my LOVE over LAW! <--- By the way, more than likely if you just focus on loving God, the law thing will fall into place too ;-).
Romans 7
This is a great time to explore how you can present your body as a living sacrifice to God.  This passage starts with that challenge and offers many ways to express it.  In what ways has your fast been helping you experience true worship in new ways?  Write them down in your journal.  Pray today and ask God to continue to reveal His will for you during this time of sacrifice and worship.


  1. This is so weird lol. Mrs.Stephanie just had a bible study about a new perspective, and how to see things God's way and not yours. That's so awesome how He's different people to show us the word He wants us to hear the most. SO COOL!!

  2. You know out of the 9 days of this fast, I have managed to only get on here about 3 times which is kinda sad for me. I've also tried to read my bible but I still find myself confused and unsure of what certain things mean and what I should read. I have failed to read my bible once in the past 9 days ,I guess I kinda have to be guided into things like reading the bible which is one of the many reasons im grateful for having the youth group every friday. But i think wat I need to do is not only read my bible but find myself to use my "tv" time as time to enhance my god given talents like poetry or my playing. The fasting part has been somewhat of a struggle mostly the sweets part, thats been the harddest part for me personally LOL. Yupp so that's pretty much it but keep praying & I will promise to aswell. Love you guyss !
