The race is not given to the swift, but to them who endure to the end. Take your growth one day at a time and God is sure to meet you there! Let's grow together!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

DAY 6 of 21 "Gaining Perspective"

I feel like this fast has been a gang up on Alex session. Well I only feel ganged up on by God lol. Everyday there's something new to do. Something new to fix.....But WAIT, that's the WRONG perspective! My first couple of sentences, while true feelings at times, are examples of how our natural view can be screwed up sometimes. It's amazing how easily we allow the spotlight to be on us in this spiritual walk! There's one portion of today's passage that summed it all up for me...
Isaiah 58: 3 'We have fasted before you!' they say. 'Why aren't you impressed? We have done much penance, and you don't even notice it!'"I will tell you why! It's because you are living for yourselves even while you are fasting...."

As God works on me, I have to restructure my perspective to understand that all of this isn't just to benefit me. Yes I benefit from the character building of fasting and may even reap the blessings that are a result of my spiritual surrender, but the end goal is to be so filled with and driven by God's love that I will continue to lay my life down for the LIVES OF OTHERS!!! Whew!! I know this is something that we often discuss as Christians, but I guess it's really registering today. This whole Christian journey is a very well crafted business model by God where the success of each individual depends on a continual cycle of selflessness. I'll take this home....I'm not just using you all as a support for ME through this fast but I am fasting FOR YOU! I challenge everyone to start changing your perspective today, if you haven't already. In addition to your goals for yourself, make someONE else your goal! Let's grow in selflessness together :-)!
Isaiah 58
This is a message from God to His people who were frustrated with His lack of response to their fasting. Its easy to confuse fasting with a hunger strike to get God to do what you want.  But this chapter says what He wants.  Pray that God will use your experience with hunger and discomfort to permenantly alter how you see those in the world who are lost and needy.  Pray that God will empty you of all that is you and fill you with all that is Him.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! If I am to understand this passage correctly, fasting is not about what we aren’t eating and drinking, as much as it is about what were not DOING. The Lord is more concerned (here we go again) with the condition of our hearts. Not just toward Him, but those who we are surrounded by: our families, our neighbors, and those less fortunate than ourselves. He even goes as far as to tell us to remove the yoke of bondage from those we have oppressed. I know you’re saying…Who have I oppressed? Well, a good place to start is by asking yourself: Who have I not forgiven? Who are you holding captive in the bondage of your unforgiving heart? Who have you withheld praise and affirmation from that you know needs it…because you have decided that they have not yet learned their lesson(by your standards)? Hey, I’m just askin. Lol! Trust me, I am preachin to the choir here. The Lord sure knows how to break it down and keep it real. Doesn’t He?
